Beth Herndobler
Certified Intuitive Strategist and Divine Channel
Beth Herndobler, a former trial attorney, is a Certified Intuitive Strategist, Divine Channel, Certified Akashic Records Light Practitioner, Intuitive Spiritual Counselor and Life Purpose Coach who communicates directly with your Spirit Guides, Angels, Ancestors and Higher Self to bring you messages and guidance that enable you to live your true purpose in every area of life. Beth is also skilled in identifying and removing blocks, stuck points and patterns so that you can live that purpose with ease and grace. She is also an ordained Minister from Spiritual Healers and Earth Stewards’ Congregations and International Assembly.
In my mid-fifties, after nearly 30 years of practicing law, I admitted that merely knowing that I was miserable was not going to set things right. I didn’t know what action to take, what else I could do or how to fix things. I did know I had wanted to live in California since I was a teenager and had told my daughters all of their lives that one day soon we were moving there. And yet I found myself middle-aged, still in Chicago while both of my adult daughters, and my 3-year-old twin grandsons, lived in California. Somewhere I had made a wrong turn or two and I resolutely set about correcting that one thing I had gotten wrong; I was quitting the practice of law and moving to California. I didn’t know it then, but what I was to learn over the coming years, and the shifts I was about to experience, would transform my life for good.
In the first years of my new life in La-La Land, I took care of my grandsons, the “fellas.” Most of our time was spent outdoors and in nature. When talking to my Midwest lawyer friends every conversation started with “before we start talking, I need to tell you I am in the park with the fellas and might have to go at any minute so don’t be offended if I hang up on you.” I felt lost a lot of the time and didn’t know how to function without my Franklin Planner and the rigorous structure of life as a trial lawyer. And yet no matter how dizzy I felt or crooked the ground seemed (and not just because I was in the hilly foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains) I knew there was no going back only forward – but forward where? and to what? One day at a time, almost without realizing what was happening, the fellas showed me that life is a joyous celebration. Slowing down and seeing each moment with childlike wonder and awe, made every day special and joyous. I realized they were onto something with this way of living life in each moment, so I began exploring and studying how to undo the patterns that had led me to this point. I discovered that all is possible when we clear our blocks and false beliefs and reconnect with our true inner-self.
I learned that the most important lessons, knowledge and experiences are learned when we are present and open to each moment. When we drop all stories of who we are and all expectations of what the day, the event, the moment and the human connections within each should be, amazing things occur. Each moment holds the possibility of lifting the veil between the human and the Divine, the place where everything that really truly matters happens; where miracles occur. This is where I have found real lasting success and discovered that I am enough. At last, I am happy and live my life on purpose.
While I definitely don’t have all the answers (I am still human after all!), I have done the research and the work and have found the fast lane to happy ever after. I went the long way ’round, a path most people take. You don’t have to. Your choice. Reach out if you are ready or even the least bit curious about how to live your life on purpose sooner rather than later. I will reach back – promise.
Blessings, love and light,