[Originally recorded in 10/2022 Master Class]
In this 13 minute activation, Beth will guide to get cozy with the heavenly energies and your own star power as you amplify your vertical and horizontal stability in connection with the New Consciousness Grid. You will travel to the light-filled Infinite Field of All That Is where you will be tap into the three-fold empowered connection that is your M-field, the collective M-field of this Tribe and the M-field of Source and the All That Is. You will become one with the grid of the New Earth that embodies the I AM THAT I AM and the infinite energies of the quantum. You will learn how to integrate this infinite energy at the core physical level from which you can then set and supercharge an intention for what you seek to have more of in your life going forward. This is a utility workhorse of an activation so-to-speak that you will want to use over and over to uplevel and recharge.