Hello and Happy Happy My Beautiful Lights!

Whether what you celebrate in December is Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Boxing Day, New Years or just life itself, I AM sending you and yours all the blessings, joy, light, love and elegance of this holy holiday season of light. And given the internarial tribe that we are, I say to each of you, Merry Christmas, God Jul, Hyvää Joulua, Gledelig Jul, Froehliche Weihnachten, Feliz Navidad, Happy Christmas. Joyeux Noël, Buon Natale!

Let this Holy Holiday, wherever you are and however you celebrate (or not!), be received as an opportunity and invitation for us to come in from the spiritual chill swirling in the collective consciousness and all the hurly-burly of a Christmas celebrated with gifts and food and parties and the like, to embrace our inner light, love, and truth and to share that with family, friends. neighbors and all those who live in your community. Let there be light shining so brightly in your heart, that you can see where compassion and forgiveness, whether of you or others, is most needed. Let the Light that is You, connect with the sacred holiness of the season, and extend love, light and compassion to all beginning with YOU! Take this time to renew, to wipe the slate clean by forgiving and being forgiven as you allow yourself to be reborn in the light, love, and truth of YOU. Take time to remember those who have gone before us and wait for us on the other side. Reach out to those who are near and especially to those from whom we are estranged ~ remember that pretty much all of us have phones and computers so contact can be made easily ~ do reach out where appropriate. And remember, when reaching out in the 3D physical is not in your highest good and the highest good of all, have a soul-to-soul convo with all whom direct contact isn’t called for during your meditation and prayer time.

Though this is a holiday newsletter, I AM called to speak to the current astrological aspects as with today’s New Moon that tightly squares Jupiter at 0° Aries, we’re dealing with a very powerful cardinal, initiating energy and this now moment is the best time to make your New Year’s resolutions. You don’t want to leave it until January 1st, when Mercury will be retrograde as that aspect may interfere with your best judgment. Today, December 23rd, with 6 out of 10 planets in Cardinal signs, these aspects invite us, and even provide tremendous pressure, to “do” something. The New Moon ruler, Saturn is almost unaspected in Aquarius and while still within orb, Saturn is officially “done” with the Saturn-Uranus square (thankfully!). Saturn square Uranus has been one of the most challenging transits of the last couple of years. Since the beginning of 2021 and throughout 2022, Saturn has repeatedly reminded us of what’s not working in our life, initiating a systemic paradigm shifting change. Saturn has prompted an energy of relentless change, breaking down different aspects of our life, pushing us outside our comfort zone and asking us to “do the work”. Choose to be pulled to what more is possible for you rather than to be pushed out of what is no longer in your highest interest. Embrace that calling in the powerful New Moon Capricorn energy, and open to the bounty of ideas and creative inspiration that is flowing your way under these aspects and throughout 2023. Accept Saturn’s invitation to consider a different approach. 2023 is not about  “doing more,” it is about gaining clarity on your purpose and where to best place your focus. To gain this clarity, simply ask yourself daily from today the 23rd of December 2022 and on into 2023, “Who AM I and what do I seek to have the experience of?” From this perspective set your intentions, your New Year’s resolutions, for 2023 now and you will be set!

That said, know that this unfolding of what more you are here to be, do, have and create, is the space I hold for you as I extend to you this holiday blessing:
AS this year draws to a close making way for the new,
MAY you surrender & release all that no longer serves,
MAY you awaken to the beauty that surrounds you always,
MAY your heart overflow with the abundance of your blessings,
MAY you open to Spirit present in every moment & be as enthusiastic, open, curious and available to wonder and adventure as a child, and,
MAY you flow on the wings of angels always.

To support you in whatever you may be moving through this holi-day season, here is my gift to you ~ Ho-Ho-Ho’ing Your Way Through the Holidays.

Ho-Ho-Ho’ing Your Way Through the Holidays
And as I AM feeling so full of love right now for all of you my beautiful tribe, here is another gift from me to you – a 15 minute Heart Star Activation to support you in holding an expanded state of love and light this holiday season that brings to an end the most interesting gap year that has been 2022. Enjoy!
Heart Star Activation
WISHING YOU A VERY Merry Happy EVERYTHING and Much Great Happiness however you mark these sacred holy holi-days.
Much great love to you,